
Smmer Vacation

I am very happy now because we who are NUFS students finished our all exams, and got summer vacation. My summer vacation plan is to work, to study, to hang out. Yesterday I decided the work place with my friend who I have known since I was elementary school. I will work three places. First is Dispatch Company. This work needs strength. Second is also Dispatch Company. This work is I have not understood yet. Third is a Japanese bar. The name is “Sanmaru.” I have worked for five months, but I will retire them because there salary is very low and work is very hard. Next part time is pachinko. The pachinko’s salary is very high and work is easier than Sanmaru.
I will go to the sea with my friends, camp of Sosaichi soccer circle, Oiden festival in Toyota city and Tokyo with my girl friend and so on. This picture is "Milk Cafe" in Harazyuku. I have a lot of interesting event, I can not wait for coming time. I am going to enjoy my summer vacation.
But I have sad point. It is that I can not meet with my friends of NUFS because my friends go back their home town. Some is go. Other is stay here, so I will hang out with my friends of NUFS who stay here. I wait for coming time I can meet them.

Have a nice summer vacation!

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